Feedback From the FoSV Base

Below are excerpts from feedback FoSV received from our members in the wake of the GMHB Order invalidating the Adult Beverage Ordinance. For all of our members who worked so hard towards our win, this feedback is for you!

“We applaud and thank you for your commitment to save our wonderful valley. Your time and effort are deeply appreciated.”

“I so appreciate all the work this organization is putting into the cause! You all are amazing. I love the form letter. I am adding a note at the beginning as I send it off to the King County Council: 'Your decision to potentially proceed with the appeal will directly affect my vote for your re-election.' Thanks again for the absolutely fantastic job you are doing!”

“My husband and I went to Seattle to be with you all on several occasion. I am sooo very happy you continued the fight! The Council along with Matthews Winery seemed to disregard our lovely valley and I think $$ played too big a role in their short-sighted thinking. In any case, thank you for so many of us who really never thought this would happen. CONGRATS”

“A huge thank you to all for the tremendous amount of work you have done to get us to this point! A victory to be celebrated indeed! I will continue to be committed to helping with letter/email writing, donating funds or anything else as I can. I am proud to be a very small part of this big win for all of us! Thank you Thank you Thank you!”

“Congratulations to all of you who spent your time and talents on this issue. FoSV is to be commended for your tenacity and legal where-with-all to get such a wonderful decision as the invalidity of Ordinance 19030 “Adult Beverage Ordinance”. As a teenage high-schooler my classmates and I worked the truck-farm fields of the Zanassi Brothers farm just south of Woodinville between SR 202 and the Slough. This was in the 1950s and hardly anyone even knew of the Valley let alone drove through it. Now, when I pass through, I am struck with all the encroachments which most people count as progress. Save us from progress. Let the Valley be agricultural so that more food might be produced as it was in the 1950s. I live at the top of Hollywood Hill and have been here since 1983. Appeal to us for more donations if necessary.”

“This is wonderful news!! Thanks for the update. We can use some good news right now.”

“I am thrilled with the recent success to stop the Beverage ordinance-thank you for your efforts. I plan to send a letter to King County Council and King County Executive to tell them to comply with the State Environmental Policy Act and protect rural and agricultural lands in King County. And that I oppose any appeal of this decision and demand continued protection of rural and agricultural lands.”

“This is awesome news! I haven't read all of it.. but yes! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Let's keep this going.”

“Wonderful—congratulations and thank you for your persistence and hard work!”

“Great job! Thank you everyone who has worked so hard on this!!”

“Some welcome good news......Thank you.”

“Well done!!!!!!!! In this day and age, it's easy to be lay back and say the government really does not really have the small farmer and Ag people' interest in mind. My faith in the PEOPLE has been restored. Great work, nicely done.”

“THANK YOU! So glad you persisted!!! We are just so in your debt. Whooo Hoooo!”

“Outstanding!!! Awesome work.”

“OMG this is the best 2020 news ever. Thank you so much!!! To all of you who have worked tirelessly on this issue and for all the money spent. It just goes to show - for once - that right things can win. The show of solidarity, the voice of the people. Thank you to all who showed up, all who worked on this.. Really needed this today!”

“Thank you for all of your ❤️ and soul in this effort! You have spent so much time, effort, blood, sweat and tears for this! Thank you so much for pushing! You rock!”

“This is the most awesome news I’ve heard in a long time. Your group which decided to consult with the Growth Management Act (GMA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) officials needs public recognition for such a feat! Congratulations on all this time and work. It takes such a long time to get the attention of the right departments or agency! I am so thankful for what this amazing group has done. Everybody I would talk to could barely believe the King County Council had approved retail wineries to be developed on the wetlands of Sammamish Valley! In the meantime, I've learned that only 5% of all total land is wetlands. And, since wetlands serve such an extremely job in protection of water and air quality, how can we even imagine destroying more of them? This is a good day for me, hearing this important landmark in the history of King County!”

“This is most gratifying! A lot of efforts paid off.”


“Great news! Thank you FoSV for all your hard work.”

“Ya hooooo!!!!! Great news!! I know you worked your ass off on this and we all appreciate all the work you guys put in on behalf of all of us. Many, many thanks.”

“Great job! We'll save the applause until the end. But you've done the heavy lifting.” 👏 👍

“Well Done! The actions of Ballducci and Lambert and others were very disappointing!”

“Thank you for sending out this good news! And thank you for all your hard work over the past years in making this decision happen. I agree, it's been at times very discouraging watching the County move their agenda along despite all the public comment, meetings, and promises to the contrary. I'm so glad that they are now facing accountability for their actions. Congratulations!!!”

“Hooray! Heartfelt thanks to the relentless efforts of the leadership team!!”

“Yay! Good news. :)”

“This is GREAT news!!! Thank you for the update!!”

“Just wanted to say a huge Thank You for all the hard work you have done. We appreciate it!!”

“OMG that's awesome! The expansion of the Sammamish Valley, without regard to even the most basic development standards, was an outrageous attempt by a few reckless people to decimate one of the best assets the Woodinville area has. I hope the King County Councilmembers that supported such a horrible idea are "Congratulated" for their resounding, and well-deserved loss.”

“That is good news for sure. We believe there is still a lot of fight ahead and want to do our part to be ready for it.”

“It is WONDERFUL to hear some good news in these crazy times! Thank you for all the hard work.”

“FANTASTIC NEWS!! Thank you for all your work preserving our valley!”

“Great news!”

“Amazing victory!!! So happy.”


“It has taken a while to sink in just what a resounding victory the GMHB decision is for FoSV. That the decision was unanimous and eviscerated the County's rationale for its ordinance is even better. As you well know, for a court or hearing board to overturn a governmental land use ordinance is rare. What a slap down to the majority of the King County Council who managed to completely ignore community sentiment and draft an ordinance that was in no way supported by facts, science or law. I hope you are savoring this well-deserved victory. Thank you for your tireless work and for never giving up. You have demonstrated, at precisely the time I needed to remember it, that grass roots organizing can work.”

“Woohoo!! Congratulations on all of your hard work, so glad to see that you have finally got the results that should have happened far earlier than this. I’m so glad that someone finally listened to common sense! Also, so nice to see some good news today….”

“I'm thrilled, relieved, and grateful. HUGE congratulations to you who have done the heavy lifting on this!!!”

“Congratulations on this victory. In lieu of everything else going on in the world, this may feel small but it's something good. When the world gets righted, this victory will have the long-term favorable effect you desired and that is what all your effort was about.”

“Woo-hoo... great news from the GMHB!”

“WOW... WOW... WOW! Congratulations on this fantastic win! Thank you for driving this through the multitude of phases, most of which seemed like brick walls. It's a great story of fortitude.”