You can make a difference and help protect the Sammamish Valley and KC farmland. Here's how...

Friends of Sammamish Valley Foundation was established in January 2020. The Foundation’s goals are to educate local citizens about environmental issues impacting the Sammamish Valley and to raise awareness of the important role that local farms and agricultural resources in the local area play in protecting the environment and the health of the community. The Foundation also serves as a fundraising arm for Friends of Sammamish Valley’s legal challenge of the KC Adult Beverage Ordinance at the WA State Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB).

Friends of Sammamish Valley Foundation is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN: 84-4295163. Your donations may therefore be eligible for tax deductions, or matching funds from your corporation, or may be sourced from a donor advised fund. Your donations may therefore be eligible for tax deductions, or matching funds from your corporation, or may be sourced from a donor advised fund. [FoSV does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please see your accountant for verification on your specific situation.]

Donations to Friends of Sammamish Valley Foundation will be made available to the original Friends of Sammamish Valley 501(c)(4) non-profit organization to cover legal fees for the GMHB legal challenge. Only Friends of Sammamish Valley has the legal standing required for the challenge. An organization must have been involved in the process leading to the challenged legislation in order to have standing on the matter.

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