Email to King Country re Treehouse Resort & Spa
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Dear Sherie:
This email is in regards to the proposed Treehouse Resort & Spa (DPER File No. LUT417-0004), a destination resort in a Rural Area zone. The proposed site for the Destination Resort is not only in the Rural Area, but also within the Special District Overlay (“SO-120”), a designated buffer to the Sammamish Valley Agricultural Production District (APD).
I [live/work] [near/in the community] of the proposed Treehouse Resort & Spa at [my home address]. I have significant concerns regarding traffic, urbanizing the Rural Area that our Comprehensive Plan goals strive to preserve, and the circumventing of an agricultural buffer zone intended to retain and support and the APD.
The purpose of the SO-120 designation is to provide a buffer from the residential area to the Agricultural Production District. This buffer zone is a particularly inappropriate location for a commercial resort use (which is already an exception to allowed uses in the Rural Area) that will increase land compaction and toxic runoff, increase traffic, cause ingress/egress issues due to its location near a busy intersection and within a residential neighborhood, and cause other more typically urban issues. No King County Code provision authorizes such use in the SO-120 overlay. No King County Comprehensive Plan provision supports or authorizes such use in the SO-120 overlay.
In King County, protection of farmland is a priority when balancing conflicting uses that have an adverse impact on farm operations. Here, the increased traffic, increased impervious surfaces and land compaction, and increased runoff from a commercial development in the buffer zone for productive farmland is a conflict. Pursuant to our Comprehensive Plan, balancing of such uses should be in favor of agriculture. The buffer zone for an Agricultural Production District is not an appropriate location for the Treehouse Resort & Spa. Therefore, you should recommend that the Special Use Permit be denied.
Thank you for your consideration of these comments.